Audience Response

Audience Response and Partner Feedback

“I was really touched and overwhelmed by the workshop I attended. I saw both the way story could unite…neighborhoods…and felt how important it was in the work I do as a mediator. I expected to come to contribute time and energy and instead was vastly contributed to. Thank you so much for the stimulation and the experience. I loved it.” –Christine Carlsten (board, event participant, event volunteer)

“I love that [the play] was about home and the west end. It was strong, powerful” -audience member

“The venue is embedded in the community, the ‘production values’ appropriate to the circumstances.

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Audience Response

“A beautiful story. You gotta see this play.”

“A wonderful production of your fascinating, compelling show. The cast, the direction, the production values, marketing, all top notch.”

“I really like how the structure of this piece lets us know some answers ahead of Genevieve, and how it still lets us share her excitement in finding those answers.  I like how the characters change — grow — over time, how facets of their character are revealed in a “by the way” manner after we think we know everything about them.  I like how we see the same incidents from different points of view,

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Audience Response

“Love, loved the play. Would have liked to hear Eleanor Bumpurs name from Bronx and Randolph Evans  from Bklyn they were shot by NYPD.”

“I like that [Avery] put that dynamic in there of the child trying to educate the parent.” -audience member from Neighborhood Night talkback

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Audience Response

“The play hypnotizes with performances that are true, clear, and sure to have the little hairs on your arm standing up! Thank you Peter Hardy for your stellar direction; the cast is perfection. Thank you to playwright Rachel Graf Evans: her script delights. Hey y’all: GO SEE THIS PLAY!”   -Lisa Nanette Allender

“Stop everything you’re doing & mark your calendars to see BUILT TO FLOAT at the 20th Annual Essential Theatre Play Festival.  I was completely blown away. Wow. Bravo!  Kudos to Peter Hardy!  Absolutely amazing performances from the entire cast!”    -Laura Meyers

“You will be drawn in and captivated by each and every word.”  -Mark Perloe

“[I] can’t wait to see it again.

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