Join Essential Theatre on March 9 for a Celebration of Georgia Playwrights!
On Saturday, March 9, from 4 to 6pm at Manuel’s Tavern, meet the newest additions to the Essential Theatre legacy, Emily McClain and Ben Thorpe, and celebrate Essential’s – and Georgia’s – rich theatre tradition and the community in which our playwrights grow and thrive.
At our Celebration of Georgia Playwrights Event, you’ll get to:
Hang out with a bunch of great folks who, like you, are proud of the literary and dramatic heritage of the place we call home.
(Love Essential? Want to introduce a friend? This is the perfect opportunity: fun, food, friends, and free! What more could you possibly be waiting for?)
Enjoy some great food – we’ll have a nacho buffet (while it lasts), or you can order from the full Manuel’s food and drink menu from your friendly Manuel’s Tavern server! *
Meet the 2019 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award winners, Emily McClain and Ben Thorpe, and hear about their shows, which we’ll be premiering at this summer’s Festival.
Get your Festival Pass at the lowest price of the year!
New this year, if you want to use your Festival Pass for opening night(s), you can make your Opening Night reservations at our Celebration Event! No need to wait till individual tickets go on sale in June.
Enter to win prizes, including: Festival Passes, tickets to upcoming shows around Atlanta with ties to Essential artists, Essential swag, and more!
Celebrating 21 years of the Essential Theatre Festival, during which we’ve produced 34 new works by 29 different Georgia playwrights, with readings of almost 40 more.
*Please note: this event is free, and the buffet is free. Additional orders, whether food or drink, are the responsibility of the party placing the order. Also, please remember to tip your hard-working servers generously and well!