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#9 in our accompanying 20 DAYS OF ESSENTIAL PLAYWRIGHTS:
Winner of the 2012 Essential Theatre Playwriting Award, BAT-HAMLET was Jordan Pulliam’s first full-length work and went on to win the Metropolitan Atlanta Theatre Awards for Best Original Work. It’s been produced at least three more times since Essential premiered it, in Charleston, Louisville and Chicago.
Says Pulliam, “Seeing my play, Bat-Hamlet, produced by the Essential Theatre was one of the greatest thrills of my life. I’d hardly imagined any theatre anywhere could take the spectacle that was parading through my head and put it onto a stage for others to see, but the fine folks at Essential had the imagination, vision, and talent required to pull it off with style…To…see it begin its eventual conquest of a nation’s imagination is a truly beautiful thing.”
We are proud to support the work of Pulliam and other Georgia playwrights, and we hope you will consider supporting Essential so that we can continue to do so for years to come. Please consider making a donation to our power2give campaign today: