Essential’s Flex Pass Offers Maximum Flexibility and Greatest Savings

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For a Short Time Additional Savings with Early Purchase

You know you’re going to come see at least one play during Essential Theatre Festival. This year we feature world premieres exclusively written by Georgia playwrights. When you buy a six or ten ticket FlexPass now, you save even more~ up to $60 with the FlexPass 6 and up to $110. How can we do this you ask? Well, the FlexPass is a win-win situation. You lock in your savings now and can use your tickets on any date and in any combination you like and the funds pass through helping us fund the festival. It’s almost like a donation [no it’s not tax deductible], we receive the funds, and you gain maximum flexibility and savings. Use the discount code EARLY to receive additional savings. This is code is available for a limited time only. Please act now.
When you purchase a three, six or ten ticket Essential Theatre Flex Pass, you can use those tickets however you wish. You can bring a big party on one night or divide your tickets across multiple performances. You can use them all for one play, or you can use your pass to see all three plays at different times.  
There are no blackout dates or restrictions, and you can even wait until a few hours before a performance to get your tickets online. In order to redeem the tickets on your Flex Pass, you MUST reserve tickets online, however!  
You don’t need to reserve all your tickets at a single visit. You can visit the website again to select your remaining tickets. You just use them when you need them. For example, if you buy a ten ticket Flex Pass, you can see one performance by yourself and later choose to use your remaining tickets to come back with eight friends on another night. Whenever you want, simply go online and choose up to your remaining number of tickets for whichever show you want to see.